Vera Lynnde


Vera Lynnde | Arte Laguna PrizeVera Lynnde
Agordo, Italy 1993

Sei bostrico, storie attorno ad una struttura

Art section: Digital Art

Dimensions: Variables

Year: 2020

Materials: Black and white paper

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It is an analysis which has origin from the bark beetle scientific name (typographical bark beetle, or spruce bark beetle (Ips typographus (Linnaeus,1758)) is an insect of the order of beetles and the family weevils. This is a work that speculates precisely on this “typographical” writing ability, going on to create an analogy with human beings. The only one, perhaps, who has this ability of language, of putting signs in place and being able to recognize them. So, I believe that even the drawings of these insects have a hidden meaning or at any rate the idea of believing in them remain poetic, behaving like hieroglyphics of an anarchic civilisation. These signs represent stories, maps, messages but we still can’t traslate them.
