Halder Arani


Arani Halder | Arte Laguna PrizeArani Halder
Kolkata, India 1997

People, Period.

Art section: Art Design

Dimensions: 10×10

Year: 2019

Materials: Mixed media, cloth, paper

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People, Period. is a book that is tailored to women of the Indian Peninsula and is aimed at addressing the stigma surrounding menstruation in South Asia, while also raising awareness on safe menstrual health. It contains anecdotes from the people of the peninsula, age old remedies for menstrual health issues, suggested sustainable menstrual products, Hindu myths surrounding the process and the science behind menstruation. The book is meant to aid conversation and allow people to be able to explain menstruation to their children and loved ones. In a time where bodily autonomy and agency are being limited and challenged for people who menstruate and can give birth, People, Period. aims to give back a small aspect of one’s right over their body.
