Camille_Hannah | Arte Laguna Prize

Camille Hannah | Galerie Isabelle Lesmeister | 18.04.2018

Il 18 aprile inaugura la mostra personale di Camille Hannah (Melbourne, Australia) presso la Galerie Isabelle Lesmeister (Ratisbona, Germania), visitabile fino al 16 giugno 2018.

L’artista australiana, vincitrice del Premio Speciale “Artist in Gallery” all’11^ edizione del Premio Arte Laguna, presenta LUSTRIS, la sua prima mostra personale in Germania, in cui vengono esposte una serie di opere create appositamente per questa mostra.


Artista: Camille Hannah

Location: Galerie Isabelle Lesmeister, Ratisbona – Germania

Inaugurazione: 18 marzo 2018, ore 19.00

Mostra: 19 aprile – 16 giugno 2018 

Object and surface, digitalization and abstraction, these concepts are essential to understand the work of Camille Hannah, who knows how to capture her art in the middle of the creative process. By overlaying different layers of paint and by using an extremely dynamic brushstroke, which evokes a strong tactile appeal in the viewer, she is able to convey a strong intensity through her painting.
Camille paints with oil on the back of plexiglass plates. The observer sees the back of the painting through the clear, smooth and even surface of the plexi-glass.
With her painting, she is able to achieve an immense luminosity of colors, comparable to the color brilliance of digital screens, and at the same time she preserves the relationship to an art-historical form of painting. Hannah mixes in her works the contemporary aesthetics of a digital visuality and the art-historical tradition of painting.


The central aspects of LUSTRIS are sensuality and perceptibility, rooted in a paradoxical relationship between the seduction of touch and its impossibility. This leads to a paradox between the impossibility of touch and the natural “eroticism” of paintings.

LUSTRIS from 19.04 to 16.06 2018 at Galerie Isabelle Lesmeister – opening 18.04.2018 from 7 to 9pm .

Camille_Hannah | Arte Laguna Prize
Camille_Hannah | Arte Laguna Prize
Camille_Hannah | Arte Laguna Prize
Camille_Hannah | Arte Laguna Prize
Camille_Hannah | Arte Laguna Prize
Camille_Hannah | Arte Laguna Prize
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